The Conclusion of an Argumentative Essay: Beyond Summation

The Conclusion of an Argumentative Essay: Beyond Summation

In the final stage of an argumentative essay, the conclusion plays a pivotal role, summarizing the main points, reiterating the argument, and leaving a lasting impact on the reader. While it is customary to include a summary of the essay’s main points in the conclusion, it should go beyond mere summation, delving into deeper aspects that trigger further discussion and reflection. Here’s how to craft a compelling conclusion for an argumentative essay.

The first aspect to keep in mind is the need for a balance. While it’s vital to present all sides of the argument, the conclusion should highlight the author’s stance and why it is the most compelling one. It’s not about compromising the opposing views but rather presenting them in a way that offers clarity on the chosen position.

Next comes the role of synthesis. The conclusion is not just about summarizing what was said but about bringing together different ideas and making a cohesive argument. This involves pointing out how different points of view intersect, how they can be reconciled, and how they ultimately lead to the author’s main argument. It’s about making a case that is not just intellectually honest but also emotionally charged, leaving the reader with a lasting impression.

The language used in the conclusion should be powerful and evocative. It should be impactful enough to resonate with readers and make them reflect on the topic. This means using words that are not just descriptive but also evoke emotions and encourage further discussion. It’s about leaving readers with a thought-provoking ending that goes beyond what was said in the body of the essay.

Moreover, the conclusion should provide a sense of closure but also leave room for further exploration. It should summarize the key points but also suggest how the argument could evolve or be expanded in future discussions or research. This adds depth to the essay and shows that the author is aware of the bigger picture, even beyond the confines of the current argument.

Additionally, it’s important to recognize that the conclusion is not just an ending but a final call to action. Whether it’s urging readers to reevaluate their positions or considering new perspectives, the conclusion should leave readers with something to think about and possibly act upon. This adds a sense of purpose and purposefulness to the essay, making it more than just an academic exercise but a tool for real-world application and reflection.

In summary, the conclusion of an argumentative essay goes beyond mere summation of points. It’s about bringing together ideas, making a compelling case for the author’s stance, evoking emotions and thoughts, leaving room for further exploration, and urging readers to action. When done well, it leaves a lasting impact on readers, sparking further discussion and reflection on the topic at hand.

FAQs on Argumentative Essay Conclusions:

Q1: How should I balance my own opinion with opposing views in the conclusion of an argumentative essay? A1: In the conclusion, you should present your opinion confidently while acknowledging the validity of opposing views. It’s about presenting a balanced argument that considers all perspectives but ultimately makes a case for your chosen position.

Q2: What role does synthesis play in writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay? A2: Synthesis plays a crucial role in making a cohesive argument in the conclusion. It involves bringing together different ideas, showing how they intersect and can be reconciled, and ultimately leading to a coherent whole.

Q3: How can I make my conclusion impactful? A3: Make your conclusion impactful by using powerful language, evocative words, and phrases that resonate with readers. Leave them with something to think about and possibly act upon, adding depth and purpose to your essay.

Q4: How should I leave room for further exploration in my argumentative essay conclusion? A4: In your conclusion, you can suggest possible extensions or evolutions of your argument, pointing out areas that could be further researched or discussed. This adds depth to your essay and shows awareness of the bigger picture.